Jake Tapper Took to Twitter and Dunked on Tommy Tuberville

Jake Tapper, Democratic Presidential Candidates Debate In Detroit Over Two Nights
Jake Tapper, Democratic Presidential Candidates Debate In Detroit Over Two Nights / Scott Olson/Getty Images

The never-ending coverage of the 2020 presidential election has given us several pretty incredible media moments. On Thursday night, CNN's Jake Tapper got in on the action.

Tapper saw a tweet from former college football coach Tommy Tuberville, who just won a senate seat in Alabama. He responded viciously and it was pretty great. He also tossed in some Auburn shade as well.

Tuberville took to Twitter and gave credence to the conspiracy theories being tossed around by Donald Trump's supporters:

That tweet was out of bounds according to Twitter's guidelines and was slapped with a warning label. Tapper has spent the better part of the last two days combating that kind of misinformation. He's probably just a little fed up and he shot back at Tuberville:

Someone get Tommy an icepack to cool off that burn.

Tapper continued:

I can't imagine being a cable network personality this week. They're all overworked, likely overtired and have been rehashing and repeating themselves for three days now. They've got to be exhausted by all the misinformation they've been combating and dealing with.