Adam Sandler Reveals the Awful Title the Studio Wanted to Give 'Happy Gilmore'

Adam Sandler appeared on Wednesday's episode of The Dan Patrick Show and revealed a ridiculous fact about his classic movie, Happy Gilmore.
The Sandman is currently in London shooting an untitled Noah Baumbach movie that has a pretty great cast, but no one, including the actors, seem to know much about. So instead Patrick and Sandler talked Happy Gilmore and the star revealed the title the studio originally wanted for the movie. Spoiler alert: It's horrible.
Hole in Fun. Is that not the worst thing you have ever heard? Does it not anger you to imagine how bad one change would have made the entire movie? People would have been too embarrassed to watch it or admit liking it. And certainly no one would be asking for Hole in Fun 2 nearly three decades later.
Speaking of Hole in Fun 2, actor Christopher McDonald revealed Sandler was working on a script for a sequel to the beloved golf film during a recent interview. Sandler confirmed the news and said that Netflix is excited about it. That should make us all excited about it because that means one day it will just appear on our streaming devices.
Sandler first signed his Netflix deal a decade ago and despite what the haters thought, the results have been pretty good. There have been some stinkers in there, but it's worth it when you get You're So Not Invited to My Bat Mitzvah or Hustle. Not to mention Hubie Halloween which deserves a sequel as much as Happy Gilmore in this humble website's opinion. Old Hollywood could never make Hubie Halloween. That's the kind of nonsense that only exists because of the Streaming Wars, so thank you to all who have served.
You can see the full Adam Sandler interview on YouTube.