Brock Purdy Looks Remarkably Like Lee Harvey Oswald

NFC Championship - Detroit Lions v San Francisco 49ers
NFC Championship - Detroit Lions v San Francisco 49ers / Cooper Neill/GettyImages

It's Super Bowl week so we're going to get a ton of narratives about the teams and players involved. There isn't a rabbit hole too deep to climb down, or a story too wild to chase at this time of year. That brings us to San Francisco 49ers quarterback Brock Purdy. Much has been said about the second year signal-caller, but I'm not sure we've ever hit this one: upon closer examination, Purdy looks remarkably like Lee Harvey Oswald.

Oh yeah, let's get into that one.

Twitter user Josh Chavis made this observation on Monday and, well, he's not wrong. See for yourself:

Yes, the 49ers' quarterback who has led them to Super Bowl XLVIII, bears a striking resemblance to the man who shot John F. Kennedy. Or, I guess, "allegedly" shot him. Explore the conspiracy theories if you'd like to but be warned, they're highly convoluted. I mean, I've never seen Purdy and Oswald in the same room at the same time. Suspicious, no?

Here's Oswald:

Lee Harvey Oswald Mug Shot from New Orleans
Lee Harvey Oswald Mug Shot from New Orleans / Historical/GettyImages

Here's Purdy:

Brock Purdy
Super Bowl LVIII Opening Night / Chris Unger/GettyImages


Lee Harvey Oswald Mug Shots
Lee Harvey Oswald Mug Shots / National Archives - JFK/GettyImages


Brock Purdy
NFC Championship - Detroit Lions v San Francisco 49ers / Michael Zagaris/GettyImages

I mean, that's pretty damn close. Now try getting that out of your head during the entirety of Sunday's Super Bowl.