Tom Brady Received Four Write-In Votes For President in Vermont, 'LaBron James' Got One

Tom Brady
Tom Brady / Maddie Meyer/Getty Images

Vermont publishes the entire list of people who have received votes in the presidential election, including all the write-ins. Writing in a name for president might actually be the most insane thing a person can do with their most sacred right as an America citizen.

Every four years you're tasked with choosing the leader of the free world and you throw your vote away by writing in someone who has no chance of winning. It's actually even crazier than not voting. Instead of taking no time out of your day by not participating, you're actively taking time out of your day to not seriously participate.

With that in mind, let's take a look at some of the ridiculous and utterly pointless votes that people in Vermont cast in the presidential election. We'll start with the most popular small batch write-in choice, James Douglas. Jim was a four term governor in Vermont and he apparently remains popular, getting eight votes. Performance artist Vermin Supreme also received eight write-in votes.

Oprah got six votes, which leaves her one behind former Minnesota governor Jesse "The Body" Ventura who received seven votes under three different spellings of his first name.

Tom Brady who played most of his professional football career in a neighboring state, got four votes. He either beat "Cheddar Stump" by two, or one, if the separate vote for "Cheddar" was for the same person.

Finally, a bunch of people got one vote. The most notable being "LABRON JAMES," "A SCJWAMZEMEGGER," and "BAROCK OBAMA. There were also votes for Mark Cuban, Hunter Biden, Chuck Norris, Paul O'Neil, Mike Cuban(?), Blake Shelton, Kid Rock, Betty White, Keanu Reeves, Alfred E. Newman, and Cthulhu.

Amazingly, they have a line that says "Other Write Ins" and there are 142 of those. They must be NSFW. But how do we know? That's why I'm heading to Vermont to demand a full recount. What is Vermont hiding? America deserves to know the truth.