Seasoned Fans Duke It Out at Tennessee Titans Tailgate


There's a pretty good argument to be made against posting fight videos, but they are trumped by two rebuttals. One, we're running a business. And two, some of them are very funny. Take for instance these two distinguished gentlemen at the Tennessee Titans tailgate yesterday. Consider them waking up in the morning with hopes of seeing their NFL team win their sixth game of the season, driving out to a parking lot, paying for the privilege of parking there, conducting the elaborate setup process, and getting down to the business of having fun on a frigid January morning.

Then imagine that all changing as somehow, against long odds, an argument escalated to a point where people were willing to risk straining their backs and scuffing up their pullovers. What a world we live in.

There's a clear winner here, even if everyone involved is ultimately a loser. And it's not the guy who stumbled around like the dude from the infomercial who just wanted to wash his car. Once footing is lost, all is lost in these types of situations.

Today's the first day back in the office and in the real world for a lot of people. Possibly for the combatants featured above. How do you think that goes for them? Really tough to explain to co-workers what had happened. At least no one climbed into an urn.