Scott Jennings Calls Speaker Vote 'Biggest Circle Jerk in History of Circles and Jerks' on CNN


Wednesday will mark yet another day in the House of Representative's struggle to elect another Speaker of the House. Jim Jordan was the popular pick on the left side of the aisle but a small contingent of Republicans appear to absolutely despise him and will not vote with their party to get the majority required. The carousel continues 'round and 'round.

The latest solution gaining momentum would be to elect Republican Patrick McHenry of North Carolina as temporary Speaker. It has support on both sides of the aisle given the Nov. 17 deadline to pass a new spending bill and avoid a government shutdown. However, it obviously does not solve any of the issues facing the House right now and would only prolong what has been a disastrous attempt by Republicans to shake things up.

CNN senior political correspondent Scott Jennings is adamantly against this idea and proclaimed the decision would be "the biggest circle jerk in the history of circles and jerks."

Quite an expression to hear used on cable television, and political cable television no less. The vote later today will prove if Jennings' words prove prophetic.

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