Peter King Thinks It is Profoundly Sad People Talked About Bill Belichick's Ripped Shirt

Bill Belichick wore an extremely worn shirt to a press conference earlier this week. Many people tweeted about it. Some websites even wrote posts. A good time was had by all and Bill Belichick took a harmless ribbing that he probably was not aware of based on his well-known disdain and disinterest in social media.
So a day later everyone had moved on to the next ridiculous thing in the 2020 news cycle. Belichick's old shirt has already been put in the meme closet to be broken out the next time the Patriots lose or someone has a rough day and needs a reaction image. A few people would probably destroy a shirt in his honor for a Halloween party they shouldn't be attending next month. This is the definition of Not a Big Deal.
Then on Thursday night Peter King showed up. King was perplexed that anyone would focus on the fact that a a grown adult made a scheduled television appearance wearing a shirt that was straight out of Jacobim Mugatu's Derelicte line.
With everything happening in the United States right now, it is profoundly sad that hundreds, and maybe thousands, feel passionate about how Bill Belichick dresses for a press conference.
— Peter King (@peter_king) September 24, 2020
God, people.
Passionate! Profoundly sad! I'm not sure anyone felt passionately about it. It was certainly funny! Definitely worth a reaction. I mean, he was dressed like a hermit who wasn't expecting company. Someone had to say something. If there was a gritty reboot of The Emporer's New Clothes, there would definitely be a scene where people were tweeting pictures saying, "That dude naked. Who dressed him fam??"
Hundreds or thousands of people saying something about Bill Belichick looking like Axl Rose an hour into a performance at The Troubador in 1986 is not surprising. There are more than 300 million people in America. I'm guessing there isn't a single thing in the world that at least a few hundred people don't have an opinion about. If you have NFL writers tweet pictures of an unopened bottle of water, people are going to roast it.
So what should we be concerning ourselves with? What does Peter King believe is worthy of our time? Here is an excerpt from King's latest Football Morning in America column, published a couple days before Belichick went Via PFT:
"Lots of comments about column length after reader Dave Smith last week said FMIA was getting too long in an email to I mean, more than 100 emails and tweets about it. A few of your thoughts:"
I'm sorry, did he just tell us about less than a thousand people caring about the length of a free football column by a football writer? Some might classify this as a profoundly sad thing to care about with everything happening in the United States right now. God, people.