Joe Scarborough on Elise Stefanik Defending Donald Trump: 'It's a Joke. She's a Clown'


Donald Trump's mental fitness was called into question over the weekend after he repeatedly mixed up names during various campaign stops around New Hampshire. He responded by forgetting how to say climate. On Monday morning MSNBC's Morning Joe played a clip of Elise Stefanik defended Trump saying, "President Trump has not lost a step. He is a stronger candidate. Stronger than he is today than he was in 2016 and 2020." As Stefanik started to pivot to Joe Biden, MSNBC cut back to the desk where Mika Brzezinski and Joe Scarborough were waiting with two of the most unimpressed looks you have ever seen on television.

Those are the faces of two parents who are not buying your excuse for missing curfew again. The most confusing thing is why Brzezinski seems to expect more from Stefanik. She has been representing a large number of trees in Upstate New York since 2014 and now she wants to be the vice presidential nominee so she'll say what she has to for Trump to remember who she is. Because if he hasn't lost a step then she should find it troubling that he didn't know her name as of yesterday.

I can already imagine the Trump / Stepaneck '24 flags.