Joe Biden Inauguration Highlights Include Bernie Sanders' Jacket and Lady Gaga's Golden Mic

Joe Biden Sworn In As 46th President Of The United States At U.S. Capitol Inauguration Ceremony
Joe Biden Sworn In As 46th President Of The United States At U.S. Capitol Inauguration Ceremony / Alex Wong/Getty Images

Joe Biden was sworn in as the 46th president of the United States on Wednesday, January 20, 2021. It might sound corny, but after four years of circus sideshow characters, the normalcy of Biden's inauguration was almost soothing, even if Alex Rodriguez was on the guest list. Here are some of the incredibly mundane, and thus notable, highlights from the event.

Barack and Michele Obama were both there to exchange fist bumps as the outgoing first couple had left Washington for Florida earlier in the morning.

Eugene Goodman, the Capitol police officer who diverted the mob away from the Senate chamber during the riot two weeks ago, escorted Vice President Kamala Harris.

Bernie Sanders showed up wearing his usual jacket and favorite mittens.

Lady Gag performed the National Anthem. Her outfit was slightly more impressive than Bernie's.

And someone wore Jordan's.

We will update below as more happens. Like J-Lo speaking Spanish while singing.

UPDATE from here down:

Here's Vice President Kamala Harris.

The mystery of the J's has been solved. That is the husband of Vice President Harris' niece and those are her great nieces.

Garth Brooks sang Amazing Grace and then had to make the rounds.