Donald Trump Is Talking About Colin Kaepernick Again

Eric Reid and Colin Kaepernick
Eric Reid and Colin Kaepernick / Thearon W. Henderson/Getty Images

Donald Trump called into Sean Hannity's show on Wednesday night. After saying earlier in the day that Colin Kaepernick should get another shot in the NFL "if he deserves it," while giving a very incomplete history of why Kaepernick is no longer in the league.

On Hannity Trump also got to just say some stuff about Kaepernick. Not many of them seemed accurate.

Colin Kaepernick threw five passes and ran the ball twice as a rookie in three brief appearances. In his second and third seasons, he took the San Francisco 49ers to the NFC Championship Game. In his fourth season he was solid again as Jim Harbaugh left and the team went in the tank. In his final season, on a horrible team, he had 16 touchdown passes and four interceptions and got himself blackballed.

Kaepernick and Eric Reid received a combined $10 million in a settlement over their collusion grievances against the NFL. Kaepernick made more than $43 million in his career.

So yes, Colin Kaepernick does deserve another opportunity. He's better than a majority of quarterbacks taking up NFL roster spots. He's been out of the league because he was protesting police violence against black people - which the NFL and a good portion of America has very recently admitted he had a pretty good point about. And kneeling is returning to sports.

So do you think Trump is ill-informed about Colin Kaepernick's history?