Dan Le Batard Friendlily Mocks Colin Cowherd on Twitter

Dan Le Batard smoking a cigar for the laughs.
Dan Le Batard smoking a cigar for the laughs. /

Colin Cowherd wanted to gloat about the latest addition to his podcast network, The Volume, so he posted a video on Twitter of him smoking a victory cigar while discussing how excited he was to bring Liv Moods onto the team.

Solid addition, no doubt, and plenty of reason for celebration. Unfortunately for Cowherd, Dan Le Batard saw that video and decided to have some fun with it, creating a response post which was clearly in jest, but nevertheless hilarious.

First the Cowherd announcement.

Can't blame Cowherd for wanting to celebrate. Moods is a noted personality in the gambling space and a good addition to his ever-expanding pod squad. But Le Batard's response, where he promises big things for his own company, Meadowlark, will have you in tears.

Is Le Batard being serious about some massive things to come for Meadowlark? Probably. They're a hot media company themselves. But all that gets lost in the shuffle amidst this comedic genius.

From the opening where he mocks Cowherd's "self-satisfied" gaze to the impressionist laugh in the middle to the coughing fit at the end -- a parody video at its finest.

Again, Le Batard's clearly just having fun here. Let's not blow this up as some conflict. It's just one sports media giant trolling another media giant on Twitter. And I mean, hell, if NBA players can do it, why can't they?

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