Your Not Going To Like This, Grammer Nerds, But Rob Gronkowski Can Kick You're Butts


The jock-nerd dynamic has perhaps never been more perfectly illustrated than when superjock Rob Gronkowski messed up the your/you’re thing and the whole episode ended with Gronkowski wagering that everyone who corrected him would likely get their butt kicked in a street fight.

This came about because a couple weeks ago Gronkowski, who went to the University of Arizona, made the classic mistake of thinking that since “you’re” has the apostrophe in it, it must be the possessive one, and then deduced, by process of elimination, that “your” must be the one you use to say “you are,” even though that makes no sense at all if you think about it for just one second. “You are,” see, contracts to “you’re.”

He also messed up the less tricky to/too thing.

Some alert Twitter users like @Spiffnut420 popped into Gronkowski’s mentions to correct his mistake and save him from future humiliation.

Gronkowski could take you all in a fight. So watch it, nerds, or its swirlies for the lot of you.