Other NFL Teams Are Going to Work Harder Than That to Catch Teflon Tom Brady

Maddie Meyer/Getty Images

Tom Brady is doing the thing where you move down to Florida and have to repeatedly be picked up by authorities after wandering somewhere you don't belong. It's a tale as old as time no matter how good, attentive, and helpful the guy at the gate of Del Boca Vista Phase II is day to day.

As usual, the supremely handsome and successful quarterback is enjoying a different set of rules without even having to smash his personal cell phone to destroy evidence. Others around the NFL may have thought they had him dead to rights.

The trespassing incident came about because Brady was trying to meet with new offensive coordinator Byron Leftwich. Per CBS:

"Teams are "miffed" about the fact that Brady was able to meet with his offensive coordinator. Of course, it does make some sense that teams around the league would be mad. For one, the NFL postponed the offseason workout programs for every single team this year. Originally, the start date for some teams was supposed to come on April 6, but that was delayed until April 20 due to the pandemic. Under the old rules, players could have gone to their practice facility when the offseason program started, but under this year's pandemic rules, everything is supposed to be done virtually. "

Just when they were thinking they could hit the big red Got Him button a la John Oliver, the NFL has stepped in to say it's time to move along.

Yeah, you need to get up pretty early on the morning to get one over on ol' Brady. He's the sports version of this tweet.

We all see what's happening here. Brady is trying to see just how much he can get away with. He's a dinosaur throwing himself against different sections of the electric fence to test for weakness. With time, he'll only grow more bold.

Everyone be careful out there.