Tom Benson is Fighting With Family Over Future Saints and Pelicans Ownership


Tom Benson, the aging owner of the New Orleans Saints and New Orleans Pelicans, is embroiled in a nasty fight with family members over the future ownership of the teams. As with many of these cases, it’s because Benson found true love at an advanced age, and we now have wife Gayle Benson pitted against his daughter and grandchildren for the family fortune.

The allegations in the lawsuit filed by his daughter Renee, grandson Ryan, and granddaughter Rita Benson LeBlanc are that Tom Benson is not mentally fit to make decisions, and is being influenced by his wife of now just over ten years.

Tom Benson had previously submitted daughter Renee and grandchildren Ryan and Rita Benson LeBlanc in his NFL Ownership Succession Plan to the league. Just this week, he announced his attention to cutoff the family.

The best part of the allegations are where the family accuses the wife of not feeding the 87 year old properly, saying he is “subsisting on candy, ice cream, sodas, and red wine.”

Sounds like the NFL may have an ownership headache on its hands soon.