The NFL QB Who "is a PR dream come true" is Probably Panicking Over This Insanely Detailed Blind Item


Well, the aforementioned anonymous commenter dropped in something last month about an allegedly gay NFL QB who dates Hollywood-types:

"Next she’s linked to an NFL QB who is a PR dream come true. What’s better for a QB than a cheerleader? Except, turns out that the dashing poster-boy hanging from locker room walls…would rather be hanging out in locker rooms WITH the boys. As in Village People and YMCA. He’s a big fan of show tunes and musicals. Not a big deal – except he wanted to come out and take a stand. Then his owners, sponsors, and endorsers (and the NFL itself) went batshit at the thought. So to keep him happy they promised to team him up with his lifelong…ahem…”buddy”. (The buddy it turns out is not only a stellar athlete himself but a long-time lover of the QB)."

That’s just the first half of this anonymous person’s comment. The second half of it is far more detailed and … hey, when does the NCAA Tournament start? [H/T: Spark Guy]