The NFL Is Reportedly Considering Discipline for Tom Brady

While the Ted Wells report did not conclusively prove that the Patriots cheated, the most damning information inside is directed at Tom Brady, who was said to be “generally aware” of football deflation. Text messages between a locker room attendant and an equipment manager seemed to indicate as such, and the report found Brady’s claims that he did not know the name and responsibilities of one of them, Jim McNally, until after the investigation began to be “not plausible and contradicted by other evidence.” Brady also refused to turn his phone over to Ted Wells for the investigation.
Consequently, in swoops Adam Schefter:
NFL considering discipline for Tom Brady, locker attendant Jim McNally, equipment asst John Jastremski, per source close to investigation.
— Adam Schefter (@AdamSchefter) May 6, 2015
Who among us can even venture to guess what the NFL would deem as an appropriate punishment in this case, but any suspension will be harshly scrutinized, both on the burden of proof, and in comparison to discipline on everything from recreational drug use to domestic violence.