The NASA Webb Telescope Pictures Are Spectacular

NASA's James Webb Space Telescope Releases First Images
NASA's James Webb Space Telescope Releases First Images / NASA/GettyImages

Back in November, NASA launched the James Webb Space Telescope. It cost a cool $10 billion to build. This week, the first photos taken by the very expensive camera were released. And they are spectacular.

This is the first photo released on Monday.

Pretty awesome. But the good stuff came on Tuesday. Just look at this.

I mean, come on.

It's so cool!

Listen, $10 billion is a lot to spend on anything, but I'll be damned if the Webb Telescope isn't proving its value today. This looks straight out of a sci-fi show with an immense CGI budget.

Officially reconsidering my position about the ocean being scarier than space, because every detailed picture we get of the great beyond is a reminder of just how small we really are.
