The Legend of Wade Boggs' Beer Drinking Continues to Expand
By Mike Cardillo

Earlier this month Wade Boggs’ legendary beer-drinking prowess made it’s way back into the news thanks to an episode of It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia that involved the gang trying to break the Hall of Famer’s “record” on a cross-country flight. Actor Charlie Day told a story on The Tonight Show how Boggs — who appeared in the episode — once drank 107 beers in a day. Is that even humanely possible? Let’s get some of our highest-ranking scientists on the case.
Boggs drinking capability again surfaced in on post on FanGraphs this weekend by David Laurila. Former Major Leaguer Brian Rose helped add to the Boggs’ legend, recounting a flight with him while the former third baseman was a coach with the Devil Rays. From FanGraphs:
“I was sitting next to him on a plane and a flight attendant came by and gave him a case of beer,” said Rose. “He slid it under the seat and I was like, ‘What’s up with that? We only have an hour flight.’ He said, ‘That’s mine.’
“The whole flight, we were just shooting the shit, and he went one beer after the other. I said to him, ‘I’m impressed with the way you hit, but I’m more impressed right now.’ He goes, ‘Yeah, beer doesn’t affect me. I don’t get drunk unless I’ve had at least a case and a half.’ I don’t think he even went to the bathroom.”
So … maybe the Sunny episode “The Gang Beats Boggs” wasn’t total fiction? Maybe? We can dream, can’t we?
The Internet legend of Boggs’ drinking has been around for a long time and often appeared on signs at College GameDay. Circa 2005 PTIinterview Boggs and Tony Kornheiser asked him about the rumored 64 beers on one flight. Boggs wouldn’t give an actual number and only said, “put it this way, it was a few Miller Lites.”
Or put it this way, Wade Boggs is a first-ballot Beer Drinking Hall of Famer … just don’t get into a bar discussion about British Prime Ministers with him.
RELATED: Wade Boggs Told an “Always Sunny” Actor He Drank 107 Beers in a Day