Skip Bayless, Stephen A. Smith, and Other Sports Media Personalities Make Their Super Bowl Picks
By Liam McKeone

The Super Bowl is upon us. Finally. Sunday should bring a quality game between the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and the Kansas City Chiefs. Bold predictions have been made all week and breakdowns of each individual squad have ruled the waves of both television and radio.
It all comes to a head at 6:30 p.m. ET tomorrow. In the meantime, feast your eyes upon the various predictions the sports media world has made ahead of the Big Game.
Skip Bayless Super Bowl Prediction
"I'm picking Tom Brady to do it once more. We're going to see another late, game winning drive in which Tom brings the Patriot Way to Tampa. But I see a defensive struggle on both sides: 23-20, Tompa Bay over Patrick Mahomes." — @RealSkipBayless
— UNDISPUTED (@undisputed) February 5, 2021
That's one in the chamber for the Bucs. A bit lower-scoring than one might guess, but it is the Super Bowl, after all. We've seen weirder outcomes.
Colin Cowherd Super Bowl Prediction
"I have more proof that Tom will struggle early in this game & just more signs that Kansas City is better."@ColinCowherd makes his #SuperBowl pick:
— Herd w/Colin Cowherd (@TheHerd) February 5, 2021
One for the Chiefs from Cowherd. A higher score prediction than Bayless, and with the most recent news that it probably won't be raining during the actual game tomorrow, it feels like this FOX Sports host will be more on the ball with the total point score.
Side note: love the pirate theme from the FOX team.
Nick Wright Super Bowl Prediction
Who is going to win Super Bowl LV?@getnickwright, @BMarshall & @kevinwildes make their predictions & a Rolex bet! ??⌚️
— First Things First (@FTFonFS1) February 5, 2021
Wright made his pick alongside Brandon Marshall and Kevin Wilder, and it's a clean sweep in favor of the Chiefs. No surprise that noted KC fan Wright would go with his hometown squad, but it's mildly more surprising that Wilder (noted Patriots fan) would go against his guy Brady. Wright also gives a pick that is probably more aggressive in favor of Kansas City than any other you'll find here. As someone merely hoping for a great game, I hope he's wrong.
Dan Patrick Super Bowl Pick
Just can’t pick against Brady.
— Dan Patrick Show (@dpshow) February 5, 2021
Patrick didn't have a segment like the previous entries on this list, but he did make his pick alongside all the other FOX personalities. He doesn't think you can pick against the GOAT. Hard to blame him, really. A one-point final score would ensure everyone stays glued to their TVs, too, which CBS would undoubtedly love.
CBS Super Bowl Predictions
After a week of talking about the Super Bowl, it is time to finally make a pick!
— CBS Sports Network (@CBSSportsNet) February 6, 2021
Two are riding with the Bucs and FIVE are going Chiefs.
Here's the CBS squad making their picks, 3-2 in favor of the Chiefs. Tiki Barber did not go against his brother's team.
Stephen A. Smith Super Bowl Prediction
The great Stephen A. and Max Kellerman make their Super Bowl picks alongside Molly Querim Rose on First Take. For once, Stephen A. and Kellerman are in complete agreement. We truly do live in strange times.
ESPN Super Bowl Picks
ESPN asked everyone under their umbrella to make their picks in an article as opposed to a video segment. Which makes sense, given they asked 107 experts to make the call. The final tally? Eighty are going with the Chiefs, while only 27 are going with the Bucs. A remarkable disparity. These two teams seem fairly evenly matched, but hard to pick against the genius of Mahomes.
Overall, most of the people we watch talk about this sort of thing all day for a job are going with Kansas City. The experts have been wrong before, though. We'll see who gets to take a victory lap when it's all said and done. And if Wright will get a Rolex from Brandon Marshall.