Shannon Sharpe Brushes His Teeth At Least Five Times Per Day
By Liam McKeone
There's no real way to ease into this so we'll just launch right in. Shannon Sharpe went on social media yesterday to respond to a claim that he brushes his teeth a truly absurd number of times a day. One of those random famous people aggregator accounts tweeted that Sharpe allegedly brushes his teeth 7-10 times per day. We're all for teeth health here at The Big Lead but that seems well over the line into unhealthy territory.
Sharpe wanted the world to know that's not true. But he does brush his teeth at least five times a day, perhaps six if he takes a nap between going to the gym and attending a meeting or filming of Club Shay Shay.
He doesn't even list the basic wake-up teeth brushing or the second that might follow that if he prefers toothpaste over mints to deal with coffee breath. So it may end up close to that 7-10 times per day mark.
There are easy jokes to be made here about Sharpe single-handedly keeping the toothpaste industry afloat but what about the toothbrush industry? They're built to last but with that many uses he probably has to buy more every two or three weeks. An expense one of media's most famous talking heads is not worried about, to be sure, but that's a lot to spend on toothbrushes is all I'm saying. Sharpe's breath must smell fantastic all the time, though.
We know way too much about each other nowadays.