Sepp Blatter: "Every Day Is a Fiesta"


FIFA is electing a new president. The New York Times interviewed the outgoing/deposed one Sepp Blatter.

Blatter claimed in November he was “among the angels singing and the devil with the fire” due to poor health. In December, he compared his treatment by FIFA to the Spanish inquisition.

Late February seems to be treating him better per the NYT. In fact, every day is a “fiesta.”

" “Every day is a fiesta,” said Mr. Blatter, who is currently under criminal investigation by the Swiss authorities for corruption. He added: “I am a happy man. Sometimes sad, yes. But I am a happy man.” "

Blatter claims to have found love, found religion, and be “93 percent well.” He also finds the “catering” at American baseball stadiums “amazing.”