Rudy Giuliani Looks Utterly Bizarre Swinging a Golf Club While Plugging His Cameo

Rudy Giuliani has a Cameo account apparently and on Monday he tweeted a video promoting it. Then he rapidly took it down. When you see it, you might understand why it disappeared so quickly. It was truly bizarre.
In the 13-second clip, Giuliani continuously swinging a golf club awkwardly, while wearing the longest shorts I've seen since Warped Tour in 2001. Check it out below.
who took this
— Alison Agosti (@AlisonAgosti) May 2, 2022
Who thought this was a good idea? Who produced it? Who said, "Hey Rudy, wouldn't it look way more natural if you're swinging a club the whole time?"
And those shorts. Good God, those shorts. It looks like he stole a toddler's best Sunday church pants. Like, what the hell is going on there? How is that the same guy who was mayor of New York City during 9/11? It's truly staggering.