Robert F. Kennedy Jr. May Have Just Given the Wildest Quote of the 2024 Election Cycle


Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is still running for president even it's looking more and more like a lost cause and that journey landed him on the Flagrant podcast. They ask the hard questions over there and the topic of Jeffrey Epstein's plane came up. Kennedy has previously said he was on the infamous plane twice, but he shed even more light on his high-flying hobnobs with other notorious figures in an answer that is quite a thing to say out loud.

“I’m in New York for most of my life. You run into everybody in New York,” Kennedy said. “I mean, I knew Harvey Weinstein. I knew Roger Ailes. I knew, O.J. Simpson came to my house. Bill Cosby came to my house.”

“You don’t know these people are swamp creatures until all this stuff comes out,” he said.

Everyone interested in politics has already pointed out that this is sort of the opposite of what a politician should do but I think that's half the point of what Kennedy is doing. There is definitely a bit of George Costanza going against his every instinct in this campaign. He's definintely thinking outside the box because who else would admit to running with such a crew?

Perhaps he just really loved hosting.