Problems With Jets Offense Is Always About Execution, According to Adam Gase

Adam Gase
Adam Gase / Timothy T Ludwig/Getty Images

Adam Gase would probably scoff at the evaluation of anybody who doesn't have a key card to enter the New York Jets facilities, but all signs point to Gase not being a very good head coach. As Mike Greenberg recently laid out, the supposed offensive guru and quarterback whisperer has been anything but in his tenure as head coach in both Miami and New York. The Jets were dead last in basically every offensive category last year, his first at the helm. Sam Darnold looks closer to a lost cause than a former No. 3 overall pick working his way towards reaching his potential.

There are many reasons for that. Gase's offensive skill players have a bad habit of being hurt all the time. The front office has made some puzzling personnel decisions. But after over a year, there seems to be a foundational problem here. Gase would not agree! He believes the problem is execution. The plays are fine, don't worry about that. Those pesky employees of his simply won't do what he tells them to.

He said as much today to reporters.

I mean, I don't know if they'll be fine even if they execute. They got embarrassed by the San Francisco 49ers last week on their own turf despite the Niners losing literally everybody important to injury over the course of the game.

But this is Gase's calling card. He said the exact same thing last season after he lost his first game as the franchise's head coach (via SNY):

""We have to come out of our double move," Gase said. "The guy falls down and we don't come out running. So if we do that, then all of a sudden we're scoring a touchdown. Guys need to do a better job of executing what they're supposed to be doing.""

It's definitely a bit of coachspeak, to be sure. You can absolutely find dozens, if not hundreds, of clips of Bill Belichick grousing about his team's execution over the years if you dig around enough. But it comes across quite differently when a coach with a lengthy history of success lays the blame on execution.

Gase's teams have gone a combined 30-36 with him at the helm. At a certain point, it's about more than execution. It's becoming clear to us bystanders that Gase is the problem and not how players can execute his schemes. When will it become clear for the Jets?