Phillies Fan Runs on Field During World Series


The Houston Astros and Philadelphia Phillies are locked in a tight World Series that has featured plenty of drama so far. That tension was broken Thursday night when a Phillies fan ran onto the field at Citizens Bank Ballpark.

He ran on the field as the Astros led the Phillies 2-1 in the top of the sixth inning. It was terrible timing because of how big that inning was for the game. He hit the field, avoided security then attempted to climb the outfield fence to get back into the stands. It didn't work.

We've got tons of video of his exploits:

And here is how it was called on Japanese television:

Yeah, not the time or the place buddy. Enjoy jail tonight.

Here's your reminder: don't run onto the field during MLB games. Or any sporting event for that matter. It's not funny, nor is it cool.