PGA Tour Golfers Wearing Shorts During Tournaments Should Never Happen


The European Tour has paved the way for shorts lovers.

After announcing that pros will be able to wear shorts during practice rounds and pro-am events, world number one Jordan Spieth said he’d like to see the change come to the PGA Tour as well.

"“I think it’s awesome,” said Spieth. “I think it will be something that I would love to see on the PGA Tour, as well. Guys seem to all love it over here. And most of the guys that are really talking highly of it are the older guys oddly enough. Yeah, I think it’s a great move.”"

Rory McIlroy echoed the same sentiment:

"“I like it. I think it’s a good idea to let guys wear shorts in practice rounds. I probably just need a couple more weeks in the sun to get my legs out in public! I think all the guys enjoy wearing shorts, especially in practice, and especially if it gets hot, I think it’s a good idea.”"

“I like it. I think it’s a goo

So there you have it from two of the best young golfers on the planet, shorts are a good change that makes the game more enjoyable. Of course this is only during practice rounds and pro-ams, and only on the European Tour as the PGA Tour’s Ty Votaw already issued a statement to Golfweek regarding the change:

"“We are aware of the European Tour’s change in policy that allows players to wear shorts at certain events during practice and pro-am rounds. The PGA Tour’s policy remains unchanged. Players are required to wear long pants when playing practice, pro-am and official competition rounds.”"

Inevitably though, the idea that pros should be able to wear shorts during tournaments will arise.

But really, what’s enjoyable for a spectator about a professional golfer in shorts; the pasty white legs? The pace of play doesn’t require that legs be free like in soccer or basketball. Guys aren’t racing to their ball or running to the tee box and the pants worn are generally dri-fit stuff that is extremely breezy.

Granted, I wear shorts when I play golf during the summer, as do the majority of golfers around the country, if their club allows it, so sure, I’m fine with shorts during a practice round or even a pro-am. The thing that distinguishes professional golfers from local hacks on a municipal course, other than the ridiculously good scores, is the tournament dress.

Call me a traditionalist, call me stuffy, call me rigid, but I don’t want to see the top guys looking like weekend warriors. I don’t want to see the top guys looking like…me. There’s an air of confidence surrounding a professional golfer who is well dressed.

I especially don’t want to see this nonsense:

(Photo by David Cannon/Getty Images)
(Photo by David Cannon/Getty Images) /

While golf may be considered a sport that revolves around social classes, changing the “stuffy old rule” about pants won’t make any difference as to how many people decide to pick up a club for the first time. If anything, kids see the pros wearing awesome outfits, or whatever Rickie Fowler is sporting, and dream of one day looking just as good as they put on a green jacket after a Masters win.

[HT EyeOnGolf]