Paul Finebaum Suggests College Athletics Realignment Motivated By Money

There was major news on Thursday that shook America to its core: UCLA and USC are moving from the Pac-12 to the Big Ten. The two prestigious college athletics institutions from California decided they would be joining their natural rivals in the flyover states, logistics and carbon emissions be damned.
Paul Finebaum appeared on Get Up this morning to discuss the Big Ten's sprawl and suggested that the reported move was motivated by... money? In college athletics? Why. I. Never!
"Trying to take my cynical hat off, which is impossible today in college athletics. ... This is about money, pure and simple. ... They're a greedy bunch. That's what they care about."@finebaum shares his thoughts after USC and UCLA were moved to the Big Ten 👀
— Get Up (@GetUpESPN) July 1, 2022
Finebaum used the example of softball players flying from California to New Jersey for a weekend series, which really does sound absurd when you put it like that. Pretty much any non-football or basketball trip for the kids in the non-revenue sports is simply an insane endeavor if the schools involved are seriously considering that.
Finabaum said he was trying not to be cynical, but admitted that was impossible. He then compared what's going on in the SEC and Big Ten to what companies are doing on Wall Street as major corporations fight over your money.
"This is about money, pure and simple. Don't let any college commissioner or president tell you otherwise. They're a greedy bunch. That's what they care about. And the students who happen to play athletics are the pawn in this big prize."
See, this is one of those things that we all know. And it's not one of those things we dare not speak or only acknowledge in hushed whispers. It's just that no one in any form of power is actually going to do anything about. So make sure to pack plenty of arms for that weekend series across the country.