Notre Dame President John Jenkins Aims Hypocritical Statement at Students About COVID After They Rushed Field

Notre Dame students celebrate after upsetting Clemson.
Notre Dame students celebrate after upsetting Clemson. / Pool/Getty Images

Notre Dame beat Clemson on Saturday night in South Bend. Following the win, the thousands of students in attendance did what students do after you beat the top team in the nation at home - they rushed the field to celebrate.

Under the circumstances - a pandemic where COVID-19 cases are spiking in Indiana and all over the country - they probably should not have rushed the field and formed a giant mob. Even in an outdoor space, large gatherings where everyone is pressed together should be discouraged. Almost makes you wonder what Notre Dame was thinking in the first place. Did they warn students not to storm the field, which is exactly what you should have known they were going to do if the Fighting Irish beat the top team in the nation?

Unsurprisingly, the school addressed the incident, but maybe they should have said something BEFORE the game. And perhaps the letter should not have been from the desk of the university president, John Jenkins. Just over a month ago, Jenkins attended a lawn party at the White House where he, along with many guests, did not observe social distancing or wear masks. He, along with many other people including Donald Trump, caught coronavirus at this event. And here he is telling students not to do the same.

Maybe if you attend a superspreader event, you shouldn't then host your own superspreader event. Speaking which, let's look at point number three.

"There will be zero tolerance for any gatherings that do not comport with our health and safety guidelines, on or off campus. Those found responsible for hosting such gatherings will face severe sanctions."

Who hosted the football game? This is a microcosm of the entire pandemic in America: People in charge putting regular people in positions to make bad decisions. And it doesn't help when the person in charge sets such a bad example.