NFL Owner Political Donations: Who Gave to Obama AND Rubio?
By Ty Duffy

The 2016 Campaign is afoot. We decided to tie that into sports. Here, using’s database, are the disclosed political donations* for majority NFL owners dating back to the 2008 election. We also included NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell because, yes, you were probably curious.
Here are some highlights.
Owners, not surprisingly, skewed Republican in presidential elections. In 2008, nine owners donated a total of $300,950 to the McCain campaign. Jets owner Woody Johnson, with $70,100 was the largest contributor. Five owners gave $70,000 to Barack Obama’s camapaign in 2008. The largest donor was Falcons owner Arthur Blank.
Similar story in 2012. Thirteen NFL owners donated $412,600 to the Romney campaign. The largest donor was Tom Benson who contributed $125,000.
Obama received $111,400 from four donors. The biggest contributor was New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft with $57,900.
The biggest donating NFL owner, by far, was Texans owner Bob McNair. He donated a total of $3,560,700 over the four elections from 2008 to 2014. The bulk of that came in 2012 donations to Conservative PACs “Restore Our Future” ($2 million) and American Crossroads ($1 million). 99.06 percent of his donations when toward Republicans. No money went to Democrats.
Other top Republicans include Browns owner Jimmy Haslam who donated $444,850 (91.12 percent to Republicans) and the aforementioned Woody Johnson who spent a total of $327,500 (91.95 percent to Republicans).
Top Democrats were neither as generous nor as ideologically rigid. Robert Kraft donated $204,300 from 2008 to 2014 (63.8 percent to Democrats). Arthur Blank spent $177,400 (74.2 percent to Democrats).
Senator Rob Portman (R – Ohio) was the biggest recipient of campaign donations with a total of $20,600. The biggest recipient during an individual campaign was unabashed sports fan Senator Claire McCaskill (D- Missouri), who received $17,750 during her 2012 reelection campaign.
NFL owners also donated $16,100 to Norm Coleman for his reelection/recount fight for the Minnesota Senate seat in 2008. Roger Goodell donated an additional $2,000. Noted Buffalo Bills fan and advocate Charles Schumer received $17,000 total in donations.
The NFL also has its own political action committee. According to Open Secrets, the PAC has donated a total of $544,750 to Democratic candidates and $529,885 to GOP candidates since 2010.
Donations are below with some helpful color coding.
*It’s possible some donations were funneled through family members or masked through non-profits. Per that data, Charles Koch only made $159,000 in individual contributions to the 2014 election.
Robert Kraft-New England Patriots
National Football League PAC ($10,000)
Markey Committee ($3,600)
Team Graham ($2,600)
Marco Rubio for U.S. Senate ($1,000)
Texans For Senator Jon Cornyn ($1,000)
Obama Victory Fund ($57,900)
National Football League PAC ($10,000)
Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee ($10,000)
Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee ($10,000)
National Football League PAC ($10,000)
Friends of Schumer ($4,800)
Kirk for Senate* ($4,800)
Nelson for U.S. Senate ($2,000)
Whitehouse ’06 ($1,000)
Cicilline Committee ($1,000)
McCain Victory 2008 ($25,000)
Obama Victory 2008 ($25,000)
Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee ($15,000)
National Football League ($5,000)
John McCain 2008 ($2,300)
Romney for President ($2,300)
Woody Johnson – New York Jets
Republican National Committee ($32,400)
McConnell Senate Committee 14 ($5,000)
Portman for Senate ($2,600)
Texans for Senator John Cornyn ($2,600)
Republican National Committee ($30,800)
Romney Victory ($29,900)
Akin, Gump et al ($10,000)
Scott Brown for U.S. Senate ($5,000)
Free & Strong America PAC ($5,000)
Joe Kyrillos for U.S. Senate ($5,000)
Bruning for Senate ($2,500)
George Allen for U.S. Senate ($2,500)
Pawlenty for President Exploratory Committee ($2,500)
Romney for President ($2,500)
Cantor Joint Fundraising Committee ($2,500)
Elizabeth for Massachusetts ($2,500)
Snowe for Senate ($1,500)
Stacey Lawson for Congress ($1,000)
McCaskill for Missouri 2012 ($250)
Republican National Committee ($30,400)
National Republican Senatorial Committee ($30,400)
Fiornia Victory Committee ($5,000)
Friends of Schumer ($4,800)
Charlie Crist For U.S. Senate ($4,800)
Portman for Senate Committee ($4,800)
Kirk for Senate ($2,400)
Bob Corker for Senate ($2,400)
Jane Norton for Colorado ($2,400)
Dan Coats for Indiana ($2,400)
Allegretti for Congress ($1,000)
Bill Binnie for U.S. Senate ($1,000)
Friends of John McCain ($1,000)
Frelinghuysen for Congress ($1,000)
Leahy for U.S. Senator Committee ($1,000)
Quayle for Congress ($750)
McCain Victory 2008 ($67,800)
McConnell Senate Committee 2008 ($2,300)
Bob Schaffer for U.S. Senate ($2,300)
John McCain 2008 ($2,300)
Friends of Gordon Smith ($2,300)
Elizabeth Dole Committee ($2,300)
Lindsey Graham For Senate ($2,300)
Lautenberg for Senate ($1,000)
Sires for Congress ($1,000)
Terrence Pegula – Buffalo Bills
Romney Victory ($74,200)
Republican National Committee ($2,000)
Republican National Committee ($2,000)
Stephen Ross – Miami Dolphins
Cantor Victory Fund ($25,000)
Boehner for Speaker Committee ($25,000)
Crowley Leadership Fund* ($10,000)
Republican Campaign Committee of New York ($10,000)
Michael Grimm for Congress ($5,200)
Jobs Opportunities and Education PAC* ($5,000)
Lois Frankel for Congress* ($1,000)
Restore Our Future ($100,000)
Cantor Joint Fundraising Committee ($25,000)
Romney Victory ($23,300)
National Football League ($10,000)
Republican Campaign Committee of New York ($10,000)
National Republican Congressional Committee ($10,000)
Lois Frankel For Congress* ($5,000)
Free & Strong America PAC ($5,000)
Friends of Connie Mack ($5,000)
Friends of Mike H ($2,500)
Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee ($12,500)
Republican Campaign Committee of New York ($10,000)
New Jersey Republican State Committee ($10,000)
Republican Party of Florida ($5,000)
Friends of Schumer ($4,800)
Nadler for Congress ($4,800)
Crowley for Congress ($2,400)
Klobuchar for Minnesota ($2,400)
Charlie Crist For U.S. Senate ($2,400)
Maloney for Congress ($500)
Democratic Senatorial Campaign* ($50,000)
Free & Strong America PAC ($5,000)
Montana Victory 2008 ($5,000)
Obama Victory Fund ($5,000)
Baucus-Rangel Leadership Fund ($5,000)
National Leadership PAC ($5,000)
Nadler for Congress ($4,600)
Lautenberg for Senate ($4,600)
Friends of Mark Warner ($4,600)
Friends of Senator Carl Levin ($2,300)
Pat Bowlen – Denver Broncos
National Football League PAC ($5,000)
National Football League PAC ($5,000)
National Football League PAC ($10,000)
National Football League PAC ($5,000)
Clark Hunt – Kansas City Chiefs
National Football League PAC ($10,000)
Romney Victory ($25,000)
National Football League PAC ($10,000)
Legacy Victory Committee ($10,000)
Pawlenty for President Exploratory Committee ($2,500)
Rick Santorum for President ($2,500)
Texans for Tom Lepper ($1,250)
Friends of Roy Blunt ($1,000)
Texans for Senator John Cornyn ($1,000)
Bruning for Senate ($1,000)
National Football League PAC ($5,000)
Cleaver for Congress ($1,000)
National Football League PAC ($1,250)
Mark Davis – Oakland Raiders
Dean Spanos – San Diego Chargers
Friends of John McCain ($5,200)
McCarthy Victory Fund ($5,200)
National Football League PAC ($5,000)
Darrell Issa Victory Fund ($2,000)
National Football League PAC ($10,000)
George Allen for U.S. Senate ($5,000)
Kevin McCarthy for Congress ($2,500)
Ricky Gill for Congress ($2,500)
McCarthy Victory Fund ($2,500) ($2,500)
Invest in a Strong and Secure America ($1,000)
National Football League PAC ($10,000)
Republican Party of California ($5,000)
Friends of Barbara Boxer ($4,800)
John Ensign for Congress ($2,400)
Friends of John McCain ($2,400)
Alexi for Illinois ($2,400)
Billrakis for Congress ($1,000)
Sue Lowden for U.S. Senate ($1,000)
Chris Cox for Congress ($1,000)
John Runyan for Congress ($1,000)
National Republican Congressional Committee ($28,500)
National Republican Senatorial Committee ($20,000)
McCain Victory California ($17,000)
Republican Central Committee of Nevada ($7,500)
Treadwell for Congress ($4,600)
John McCain 2008 ($2,300)
McCain-Palin Compliance Fund ($2,300)
Michael Brown – Cincinnati Bengals
National Football League PAC ($10,000)
Wenstrup for Congress ($5,200)
Steve Chabot for Congress ($5,200)
National Football League PAC ($10,000)
Romney Victory ($10,000)
Steve Chabot for Congress ($5,000)
Schmidt for Congress ($2,500)
Wenstrup for Congress ($2,500)
Fund for America’s Comeback Committee ($2,500)
Friends of Sherrod Brown ($250)
National Football League PAC ($10,000)
Steve Chabot for Congress ($4,800)
Schmidt for Congress ($4,800)
Portman for Senate Committee ($4,800)
National Football League PAC ($5,000)
Schmidt for Congress ($4,600)
Steve Chabot for Congress ($2,300)
John McCain 2008 ($2,300)
Chabot-Ohio Victory Committee ($2,300)
Dan and Art Rooney – Pittsburgh Steelers
National Football League PAC ($10,000)
Obama Victory Fund ($41,000)
National Football League PAC ($5,000)
Tom Rooney for Congress ($1,000)
Committee for Change ($30,000)
National Football League PAC ($5,000)
National Football League PAC ($10,000)
FNB Corp ($1,100)
North Side Good Government Committee ($1,000)
North Side Good Government Committee ($12,000)
National Football League PAC ($10,000)
Obama Victory Fund ($10,000)
Tom Rooney for Congress ($2,000)
Bill Shuster for Congress ($1,000)
Tim Murphy for Congress ($1,000)
Keystone Victory Fund ($1,000)
Christie Vilsack for Iowa ($500)
National Football League PAC ($10,000)
Northside Good Government Committee ($6,000)
Bob Casey for Senate ($2,000)
Tom Rooney for Congress ($2,000)
Brian Rooney for Congress ($1,500)
Kathy Dahlkemper for Congress ($500)
Tom Rooney for Congress ($5,000)
National Football League PAC ($5,000)
Murtha for Congress Committee ($4,000)
Bob Casey for Senate ($2,300)
Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee ($2,000)
Citizens for Altmire ($2,000)
Keystone America ($500)
Stephen Bisciotti – Baltimore Ravens
National Football League PAC ($5,000)
National Football League PAC ($5,000)
Carper for Senate ($5,000)
National Football League PAC ($10,000)
National Football League PAC ($5,000)
Jimmy Haslam – Cleveland Browns
National Republican Senatorial Committee ($32,400)
Republican Party of Tennessee ($20,000)
National Association of Truck Stop Operators ($10,000)
Boehner for Speaker Committee ($10,000)
Alexander for Senate ($5,200)
Boehner-Portman House & Senate Fund ($5,200)
Society of Independent Gasoline Marketers ($5,000)
Jan PAC ($5,000)
Collins for Congress ($2,600)
Marsha Blackburn for Congress ($2,500)
National Republican Senatorial Committee ($61,600)
American Crossroads ($37,500)
Romney Victory ($27,500)
Republican Party of Tennessee ($10,000)
Steve Fincher for Congress ($5,000)
National Association of Truck Stop Operators ($5,000)
Society of Independent Gasoline Marketers ($4,500)
Marsha Blackburn for Congress ($4,500)
George Allen for U.S. Senate ($4,000)
Citizens for Josh Mandel ($3,500)
Hoosiers for Richard Murdock ($3,000)
Bob Corker for U.S. Senate ($2,700)
Friends of Scott Desjarlais ($2,500)
Berg for Senate ($1,000)
North Side Good Government Committee ($1,000)
Craig Miller for U.S. Senate ($250)
National Republican Senatorial Committee ($30,400)
Republican Party of Tennessee ($10,000)
National Association of Truck Stop Operators ($10,000)
Steve Fincher for Congress ($7,200)
Coleman Minnesota Recount Committee ($5,000)
Rock City PAC ($5,000)
Society of Independent Gasoline Marketers ($4,000)
Hatch Election Committee ($4,000)
Tenn PAC ($2,500)
Free & Strong America ($2,500)
National Republican Senatorial Committee ($57,000)
Rock City PAC ($10,000)
Volunteer PAC ($5,000)
Citizens To Elect Phil Roe to Congress ($4,600)
Collins for Senator ($3,300)
John Cornyn for Senate ($2,500)
Bob Corker for Senate ($2,300)
Friends of Sessions Senate Committee ($2,300)
Romney for President ($2,300)
Bob McNair – Houston Texans
Texans for a Conservative Majority ($50,000)
Rand Paul Victory Committee ($10,000)
Rubio Victory Committee ($10,000)
Team Graham ($5,200)
Boehner for Speaker Committee ($5,200)
Ed Gillespie for Senate ($5,200)
Ted Poe for Congress ($5,200)
National Football League PAC ($5,000)
Tim Scott for Senate ($2,600)
New Hampshire for Scott Brown ($2,600)
Restore Our Future ($2,000,000)
American Crossroads ($1,000,000)
Make Us Great Again ($100,000)
Texas Conservatives Fund ($75,000)
National Republican Senatorial Committee ($30,800)
National Football League PAC ($9,200)
Ted Cruz for Senate ($7,500)
Romney Victory ($5,000)
Olson for Congress Committee ($5,000)
McConnell Senate Committee ($2,500)
National Republican Senatorial Committee ($55,400)
National Republican Congressional Committee ($10,000)
National Football League PAC ($9,500)
Texas Republican Congressional Committee ($5,000)
Huck PAC ($5,000)
Hermanator PAC ($5,000)
Toomey for Senate ($4,800)
Graves for Congress ($3,400)
Portman for Senate Committee ($3,400)
Friends of Sharron Angle ($2,400)
Tarkanian for Senate ($2,400)
Craig S. Miller ($2,400)
Rand Paul for U.S. Senate ($2,400)
Boozman for Congress ($2,000)
Culberson for Congress ($2,000)
McCaul for Congress ($2,000)
Olson for Congress Committee ($2,000)
Simmons for Senate ($2,000)
Bill Flores for Congress ($1,000)
Joseph Cao for Congress ($1,000)
Friends of Frank Wolf ($1,000)
Coleman Minnesota Recount Committee ($1,000)
Carly for California ($1,000)
McCain Victory 2008 ($28,500)
Republican National Committee ($25,000)
Good Government Fund ($10,500)
Texas Republican Congressional Committee ($10,000)
Good Government Fund 2008 ($5,000)
National Republican Congressional Committee ($5,000)
National Thoroughbred Racing Association ($5,000)
National Football League PAC ($4,500)
Olson for Congress Committee ($2,800)
Friends of Fred Thompson ($2,300)
Jim Irsay – Indianapolis Colts
National Football League PAC ($10,000)
National Football League PAC ($10,000)
Indiana Democratic Congressional Victory Committee ($10,000)
Carper for Senate ($5,000)
Friends of Dick Lugar ($500)
Indiana Republican State Central Committee ($12,500)
National Football League PAC ($10,000)
Indiana Democratic Congressional Victory Committee ($5,000)
Friends for Harry Reid ($2,400)
Friends of Dick Lugar ($2,000)
Committee to Bring Back Baron ($2,000)
Andre Carson for Congress ($1,000)
Committee To Reelect Ed Towns ($500)
Indiana Republican State Central Committee ($5,000)
Indiana Democratic Congressional Victory Committee ($5,000)
National Football League PAC ($5,000)
Committee to Reelect Ed Towns ($500)
Souder for Congress ($250)
Committee to Bring Back Baron ($250)
Shahid Khan – Jacksonville Jaguars
Amy Adams Strunk – Tennessee Titans
Republican National Committee ($1,000)
Romney Victory ($1,000)
Daniel Snyder – Washington Redskins
Friends of Mark Warner ($5,200)
Cheney for Wyoming ($2,600)
Romney Victory ($50,000)
Fund for America’s Comeback Committee ($10,800)
National Republican Congressional Committee ($10,000)
Romney for President ($5,000)
George Allen for U.S. Senate ($5,000)
Friends of Connie Mack ($2,500)
National Football League PAC ($5,000)
Portman for Senate Committee ($2,400)
Hoyer for Congress ($1,500)
McCain-Palin Victory 2008 ($67,800)
National Republican Congressional Committee ($10,000)
National Football League PAC ($5,000)
Jeffrey Lurie – Philadelphia Eagles
National Football League PAC ($5,000)
Markey Committee ($1,000)
National Football League PAC ($10,000)
Carper for Senate ($5,000)
Ben Cardin for Senate ($2,500)
McCaskill for Missouri 2012 ($2,500)
National Football League PAC ($10,000)
Sestak for Congress ($800)
Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee ($10,000)
National Football League PAC ($5,000)
Obama Victory Fund ($4,600)
Hillary Clinton for President ($2,300)
Kats for Congress ($1,000)
John Mara and Steve Tisch – New York Giants
2014 (Tisch)
Cory Booker for Senate ($10,400)
National Football League PAC ($3,334)
2012 (Tisch)
Fund for America’s Comeback Committee ($10,000)
National Football League PAC ($5,000)
McCaskill for Missouri 2012 ($5,000)
Friends of Schumer ($4,800)
2010 (Tisch)
National Football League PAC ($5,000)
2008 (Tisch)
Hillary Clinton for President ($2,300)
Obama for America ($2,300)
2014 (Mara)
National Football League PAC ($5,000)
2012 (Mara)
National Football League PAC ($5,000)
Jerry Jones – Dallas Cowboys
National Football League PAC ($8,000)
Collins for Senator ($2,600)
National Football League PAC ($10,000)
Fund for America’s Comeback Committee ($10,000)
Congressman Joe Barton Committee ($5,000)
Romney for President ($2,500)
George Allen for U.S. Senate ($2,500)
Texans for Tom Leppert ($2,500)
Dewhurst for Texas ($2,500) ($2500)
National Football League PAC ($15,000)
Boozman for Arkansas ($2,400)
McCain Victory 2008 ($28,500)
National Football League PAC ($5,000)
John McCain 2008 ($2,300)
Bill Bidwell – Arizona Cardinals
Andy Tobin for Congress ($5,200)
National Football League PAC ($5,000)
Mary Rose Wilcox for Congress ($2,000)
Republican National Committee ($61,600)
Romney Victory ($26,250)
National Football League PAC ($10,000)
Romney for President ($2,720)
Quayle for Congress ($2,500)
Kirk Adams for Congress ($2,500)
Boehner for Speaker Committee ($2,000)
Republican National Committee ($12,500)
National Football League PAC ($10,000)
Friends of John McCain ($2,500)
Quayle for Congress ($2,000)
Jim Ward for Congress ($1,000)
McCain Victory ($50,000)
National Football League PAC ($5,000)
John McCain 2008 ($2,300)
Paul Allen – Seattle Seahawks
National Football League PAC ($5,000)
Cathy McMorris Rodgers for Congress ($2,000)
Friends of Maria ($2,000)
Citizens to Elect Rick Larsen ($2,000)
Walden for Congress ($2,000)
Simpson for Congress ($2,000)
Mike Crapo for U.S. Senate ($2,000)
M-PAC ($2,000)
Wyden for Senate ($2,000)
Adam Smith for Congress ($2,000)
People for Patty Murray ($5,000)
Norm Dicks for Congress ($2,500)
Friends of Dave Reichert ($2,000)
Denny Heck for Congress ($2,000)
Friends of John Thune ($2,000)
Blumenauer for Congress ($1,000)
People for Derek Kilmer ($1,000)
Richard Burr Committee ($1,000)
Cathy McMorris for Congress ($1,000)
Snow for Senate ($1,000)
Murray Victory 2010 ($10,000)
M-PAC ($5,000)
Friends of Max Baucus ($4,800)
Inslee for Congress ($3,000)
Adam Smith for Congress ($2,900)
People for Patty Murray ($2,800)
Dan 10 ($2,000)
Friends of Maria ($2,000)
Norm Dicks for Congress ($2,000)
Citizens to Elect Rick Larsen ($1,500)
National Cable & Telecommunications Association ($5,000)
Hillary Clinton for President ($4,600)
Norm Dicks for Congress ($4,300)
Inslee for Congress ($4,300)
Adam Smith for Congress ($3,000)
Walden for Congress ($3,000)
Citizens to Elect Rick Larsen ($3,000)
M-PAC ($2,500)
Impact America ($2,500)
Friends of Hillary ($2,300)
Stan Kroenke – Los Angeles Rams
McCaskill for Missouri ($5,000)
National Football League PAC ($5,000)
Jed York – San Francisco 49ers
National Football League PAC ($10,000)
National Football league PAC ($10,000)
Otto for Congress ($1,500)
Zygi Wilf – Minnesota Vikings
National Football League PAC ($10,000)
National Football League PAC ($5,000)
McCaskill for Missouri 2012 ($5,000)
National Football League PAC ($10,000)
Friends of Jim Oberstar ($2,300)
Friends of Erik Paulsen ($2,300)
National Football League PAC ($5,000)
Friends of Jim Oberstar ($2,300)
Martha Ford – Detroit Lions
National Football League PAC ($5,000)
Republican Party of Michigan ($5,000)
Marco Rubio for U.S. Senate ($500)
Bachmann for Congress ($500)
Rob Steele for Congress ($200)
National Republican Senatorial Committee ($2,000)
National Republican Trust PAC ($500)
Republican Party of Michigan ($500)
Citizens United ($300)
John McCain 2008 ($250)
Virginia Halas McCaskey – Chicago Bears
Jerry Richardson – Carolina Panthers
National Football League PAC ($10,000)
Sanford for Congress ($3,000)
Malcolm Graham for Congress ($2,000)
George Holding for Congress ($1,000)
National Football League PAC ($10,000)
Sue Myrick for Congress ($1,000)
Team Demint ($1,000)
George Holding for Congress ($1,000)
Jennifer Roberts for Congress ($1,000)
Pittenger for Congress LLC ($1,000)
Hudson for Congress ($500)
Preston Brittain for Congress ($500)
National Football League PAC ($10,000)
Sue Myrick for Congress ($3,000)
Demint for Senate ($1,000)
Richard Burr Committee ($1,000)
Harold Johnson ($1,000)
Spratt for Congress Committee ($500)
National Football League PAC ($10,000)
Sue Myrick for Congress ($2,000)
Hayes for Congress ($2,000)
Arthur Blank – Atlanta Falcons
Demoratic Senatorial Committee ($32,400)
Nunn Victory Fund ($10,000)
Nunn for Senate ($5,200)
National Football League PAC ($5,000)
Friends of Schumer ($2,600)
National Football League PAC ($10,000)
Georgia Federal Elections Committee ($5,000)
John Lewis for Congress ($5,000)
Udall for Colorado ($2,500)
Obama Victory Fund ($2,500)
Romney Victory ($2,500)
Farris for Congress ($500)
Republican Party of Georgia ($12,500)
Georgia Federal Elections Committee ($10,000)
Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee ($5,000)
Georgians for Isakson ($3,000)
John Lewis for Congress ($2,400)
Obama Victory Fund ($28,500)
Georgia Federal Elections Committee ($10,000)
Republican Party of Georgia ($10,000)
Obama for America ($4,600)
Mark Udall for Congress ($2,300)
Hillary Clinton for President ($2,300)
Romney for President ($2,100)
House Majority Fund ($1,000)
Georgians for Isakson ($500)
Tom Benson – New Orleans Saints
Romney Victory ($125,000)
National Football League PAC ($16,500)
National Football League PAC ($12,500)
Republican Party of Louisiana ($5,000)
Cornyn Texas Committee ($10,000)
National Football League PAC ($6,000)
Scalise for Congress ($2,300)
Helena Moreno for Congress ($500)
Malcolm Glazer – Tampa Bay Buccaneers
Roger Goodell – NFL Commissioner
National Football League PAC ($10,000)
Portman for Senate ($2,600)
National Football League PAC ($10,000)
Quayle for Congress ($2,500)
Ben Cardin for Senate ($1,500)
National Football League PAC ($10,000)
Friends of Schumer ($3,400)
Dan Coats for Indiana ($2,000)
Martha Coakley for Senate ($1,800)
Mary Bono Committee ($1,000)
Friends of Dave Reichert ($1,000)
Quayle for Congress ($1,000)
National Football League PAC ($5,000)
John McCain 2008 ($2,300)
Impact ($1,000)
Conyers for Congress ($500)