NCAA Down Big Early in Supreme Court Oral Arguments

Tasos Katopodis/Getty Images

The U.S. Supreme Court is currently hearing arguments about the financial limits placed on NCAA athletes and if early returns are any indication, it's going to be a very bad day for the organization as Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas, two of the more conservative justices, have already appeared dubious of the NCAA's position.

Thomas' comments are especially notable because he is notoriously reticent to speak during oral arguments. He has company as Justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh are also tipping their feelings.

On the other side of the idealogical spectrum, Justice Stephen Breyer seemed unclear about what the NCAA is even trying to argue while Justice Elana Kagan presented a more simplified read on the financial inequities at play.

The lawyers tasked with presenting the NCAA's side of things are making some dunkable assertions.

So all in all, this seems like a lopsided hearing early on. There are better legal scholars than myself to give the blow-by-blow and analysis. But from 30,000 feet it certainly seems that the NCAA's position is just really hard to sell when forced to give it on the record and defend it against scrutiny from the nation's top legal minds. This was entirely predictable yet is delighting so many who have waited so long for a day like this nonetheless.

There's plenty of ballgame left but this is looking like a blowout in both the court of public opinion and the physical courtroom.