NASCAR Chairman Surprised To Learn Donald Trump is Polarizing


NASCAR chairman Brian France endorsed Donald Trump. He was startled to learn that Trump was polarizing, though he admitted he should have known more about him.

"“I was surprised a little bit. As it turns out, he’s a polarizing figure. I probably shouldn’t have been as surprised as I was,” France said during a meeting with Associated Press Sports Editors (APSE)."

NASCAR, presumably with France’s consultation, moved its postseason awards event from a Trump resort, following controversial comments Trump made on the campaign trail in 2015.

France has also been under fire for NASCAR’s milquetoast response to North Carolina’s LGBT discrimination law.

"“In this instance, we take the position that any discrimination, unintended or not, we’re on the other side, we don’t like that,” France said. “We are working, including myself, behind scenes to the extent, again, we’re not a political institution, we don’t obviously set political agendas and write laws, but to the extent we can, express our values to policy makers — in this case, North Carolina, we will and we do.”"

NASCAR, while headquartered in Florida, has multiple offices in the state.