MLB Players Overwhelmingly Reject League's 60-Game Season Proposal

New York Yankees v Detroit Tigers
New York Yankees v Detroit Tigers / Mark Cunningham/Getty Images

Major League Baseball continues to teeter on the edge of disaster, as on Monday the players rejected the league's latest offer to start the 2020 season. The owners were offering a 60-game season and the players voted against it by a 33-5 margin, further destroying any chance at peace between the two sides.

Negotiations between the owners and players appeared to pick up steam last week and ended with the owners offering a 60-game season. The players countered with an offer of 70 games, but the league flat-out rejected it. That left the players voting on the owners' 60-game proposal on Monday, which was roundly rejected. That proposal included some alterations to rules (like a universal designated hitter and more) and would have prevented the players from filing a grievance against the owners.

Many are looking at this as the death knell for the 2020 MLB season and but we're not there yet. This just means the two sides couldn't negotiate an amicable arrangement. The league and the players can't stand each other right now and both sides are entrenched in their positions. That's not going to change any time soon.

Commissioner Rob Manfred can impose a schedule unilaterally and it appears he may do that, though the two sides would still have to agree to health and safety protocols.

If that happens, it's safe to say the labor situation in baseball will be at its lowest point since the 1994-95 strike.

While many players will opt to play, it's a safe bet some will opt to sit the 2020 season out.