Michigan State Delivered Pitt an Incredibly Bad Beat and It Broke a Guy

Adam Hagy/GettyImages

Things looked so promising for Pittsburgh through 50 minutes of the Chick-fil-A Peach Bowl. Third-string quarterback Davis Beville was outplaying Michigan State's Payton Thorne and the Panthers' defense was thwarting both ground and aerial attacks. But then Mel Tucker's team did what it's done so often this magical season: kept on chopping in the form of a 21-point fourth quarter. Which was enough to win and cover the 3.5 points required by Vegas oddsmakers.

Linebacker Cal Haladay returned an interception 78 yards for a score to salt things away and determine the right side in final half-minute, then the Spartans recovered a kickoff when they weren't even trying to go onside. All of it was very weird.

And too much for one overall-wearing fan who made the trip down to Georgia only to be confronted head-on by the devil. ESPN's cameras happened to catch him at his darkest moment: face-down in a towel with his latisimuss dorsi out for the whole world to see.

The interception return also facilitated this interaction between opposing fans, which appeared all kinds of testy during its brief look-in.

If one didn't know any better they'd think this exhibition meant something to the players and fanbases alike even though there are a lot of other games going on outside the College Football Playoff. Someone alert the Scrooges.