Meet Greg Walker, the 7-foot Former College Basketball Prospect* Who Might Be the World's Tallest Transsexual


"Strapping teenager Greg – who has size 16 feet and weighs around 20 stone – regularly lifted weights and would ride motorbikes to mask his true feelings."

"In his early 20s, Greg – now Lindsey – was unable to continue the ‘charade’ and began wearing women’s clothes. He then sought medical advice and began taking oestrogen to become more feminine and now boasts a curvy woman’s body – and a 38B bra size. He was offered a basketball scholarship to study economics and marketing at Central Michigan College, but dropped out aged 21.He became increasingly isolated and changed his name from Greg to Lindsey. "

I’d love to know how the Daily Mail found out about a 7-footer in Ohio who wanted to become a transsexual. The story reads as if it came from another outlet, but I couldn’t find any other stories about Greg Walker, the 7-foot transsexual.

I poked (bad word choice?) around the web to find out what kind of college basketball prospect Greg/Lindsey was, but came up empty (the Sun has virtually the same story with no additional details). Do your thing, internet sleuths. [Daily Mail via Sean]

* We’re talking about the Daily Mail here. They wouldn’t know a basketball prospect from a bowling pin.