Marshall Henderson Had Cocaine and Marijuana in the Car, But the Mississippi Cops Did Nothing
By Jason McIntyre

Marshall Henderson, the Mississippi basketball player, was rolling around Oxford one Saturday in May when police pulled him over and found a tiny amount of cocaine and marijuana – or what appeared to be those substances – in the car. Henderson, who we’ve covered extensively here because of his penchant for jersey popping, comical taunting and flagrant douchebaggery, wasn’t cited by the cops for the drugs, but rather “no proof of liability insurance.” How convenient.
From the WSJ:
"Oxford Police officer Shane Fortner smelled marijuana in Henderson’s vehicle, according to the police report. Henderson gave Fortner a bag containing “a small nugget of marijuana,” according to Fortner’s report, and a search by a police dog turned up a clear plastic bag that contained “a small amount of what appeared to be cocaine,” a report from another officer, Mark Hodges, said. Hodges’s report notes that the district attorney wouldn’t prosecute if the bag contained less than one-tenth of a gram of cocaine."
So the cops made an executive decision on the spot – eh, this is too small of an amount of drugs, forget about it. I’m sure the Mississippi media will launch an investigation into the matter.
Problem is, doing nothing probably hurt Henderson – perhaps he felt bulletproof, and decided he was above the law, and kept using drugs. Then the Rebels’ best player and only hope at making the NCAA tournament in 2014 failed multiple drug tests and now his basketball future is hanging in the balance.* He’s been suspended and could be headed to rehab. ESPN’s Jeff Goodman believes Ole Miss should drop Henderson, a move that wouldn’t surprise me at all. He’s on his fourth college and turns 23 in September.
Related: Marshall Henderson is the Bad Boy of the SEC: Meet the Jersey-Poppin, Coors Light-Drinkin’ Scoring Machine
Related: Marshall Henderson Appears to Be Enjoying Himself as SEC Champion
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* I know some of you chuckled at ‘basketball future.’ Thing is, he can make an NBA roster with his shooting ability. Don’t want to believe me? Fine, then listen to one of his former coaches who is currently an NBA assistant.