LeSean McCoy and Lou Williams Kobe-Related Twitter Beef Over a Woman?


LeSean McCoy is apparently a big Kobe Bryant fan. During Bryant’s final game the Bills running back sent out some very excited tweets as Kobe put up 60-points. In his final tweet, he mentioned “Da Snitch Russell” and “soft ass Lou.” This got back to Lakers guard Lou Williams who @’d him.

McCoy then responded by saying that Williams “beat chicks.” A quick Google says that Williams has only had one run-in with the law – a brief misunderstanding with the police in Las Vegas. Meanwhile, McCoy recently had a dust-up with off-duty police officers. (No charges were filed.)

At first glance this seems like a very random sports Twitter beef. Almost to the point where you have to wonder if it’s some kind of inside joke. Williams and McCoy were both playing in Philadelphia from 2009-2012 so maybe the know each other…

Or maybe McCoy is dating Williams’ ex and the mother of his children as this message board first suggested on March 27th. Which would mean that McCoy was accusing Williams of something serious.