Latest Rolling Stone Cover Sends Powerful Message
By TBL Staff

Rolling Stone's latest issue features a powerful image of protesters on the cover to go along with a cover story about the Power of Black Lives Matter. The article comes in the wake of weeks of BLM protests that followed the murder of George Floyd by a Minneapolis police officer.
Tap to behold the full @RollingStone cover by @KadirNelson. Growing up, I used to love gazing at reproductions of Norman Rockwell paintings. Kadir is our Rockwell.
— Ava DuVernay (@ava) June 16, 2020
Click to read the cover story by one of my faves @JamilSmith. Proud to see his byline here.
The cover illustration called, "American Uprising," is by Kadir Nelson, who Ava DuVernay calls "our Rockwell," which is high praise.
AMERICAN UPRISING (After Delacroix’s Liberty “Leading the People”) by @KadirNelson for @RollingStone PRINTS @ in #americanuprising #artivism #kadirnelson #delacroix #libertyleadingthepeople #blacklivesmatter ? by @jungmiwha
— Kadir Nelson (@KadirNelson) June 16, 2020
Nelson also did this week's powerful New Yorker cover.
“Say Their Names” by @KadirNelson for @NewYorker ➡️ ?by @jungmiwha #georgefloyd #saytheirnames #kadirnelson #blacklivesmatter #kadirnelson #printsnotforsale
— Kadir Nelson (@KadirNelson) June 14, 2020