Jerry Sandusky Arrested and Led Out of House in Handcuffs Following Additional Charges


UPDATE: A release from the Attorney General’s criminal investigation bureau:

“Today’s criminal charges were recommended by a statewide investigating grand jury, based on evidence and testimony that was received following the initial arrest of Sandusky on November 5th. At that time, Sandusky was charged with sexually assaulting eight victims, all of whom first encountered Sandusky as children through The Second Mile, (an) organization that he founded to operate programs for disadvantaged young people.”

As mentioned, these latest criminal charges come from two additional young men, identified as Victim 9 and Victim 10.

According to the grand jury, Victim 9 first encountered Sandusky in approximately 2004, while participating in a summer camp organized by The Second Mile, when he was 11 or 12 years old. Sandusky allegedly approached the young man, engaged him in conversation and expressed an interest in spending more time with the child.

According to those at the scene, Sandusky did not respond to reporters while he was being cuffed and stuffed.

And here’s the new Grand Jury report. Best to put on a poncho before you begin reading this mountain of slime.

[H/T HuskerDog]