Jeff and Stan Van Gundy Calling a Game Together is Not for Everyone
By Bobby Burack

Last night, brothers Jeff and Stan Van Gundy called their first game together joining Dave Pasch on the ESPN NBA broadcast. To no surprise, the brothers applied their subjectively funny humor to the call and at times overshadowed a game featuring LeBron James. This did not just include the game but even talk pertaining to food, how good they were at basketball, and how parenting a student-athlete has changed since they were kids.
While some, like me, found the performance quirky and fun, some, well, just did not get it or want to get it. Here was the mixed reaction they received that includes some very amusing critiques:
"So glad I tuned in to #NOvsLAL to hear Jeff and Stan Van Gundy talk about potato chips and potato skins instead of analyzing the game @ESPNNBA — Greg Piper (@gregpiper) February 28, 2019"
please never let Jeff and Stan Van Gundy commentate another game together. Please
— GEE (@whyuleavingee) February 28, 2019
Listening to Stan Van Gundy and Jeff Van Gundy commentate at the same time is giving this game a real.. “at home with your family” type of feel.
— Jason Coolwater (@_MrJohnson) February 28, 2019
I like it.
We need more Jeff and Stan Van Gundy telecasts @ESPNNBA.
— @MF_Brown (@MF_Brown) February 28, 2019
"Jeff and Stan Van Gundy calling games is a no for me. — Joshua McGee (@joshuarmcgee) February 28, 2019"
Jeff and Stan Van Gundy together is not good. All they talk about is how good the 90’s were. Blah.
— mal. (@landoughcal) February 28, 2019
Listening to Jeff and Stan Van Gundy call a game is very hard to listen to.
— Ryan Keane (@keanerr1) February 28, 2019
Wait Jeff van Gundy and Stan Van gundy doing the laker vs pels game
— Flaquito Verde (@Denzel_Beetes) February 28, 2019
Jeff and Stan van gundy are the worst
— ru (@irepair94) February 28, 2019
Jeff AND Stan van gundy on the call ?
— T (@PIZZLEgotPOUNDS) February 28, 2019
If there has ever been a better analyst team in the history of sports than Jeff and Stan Van Gundy I don’t know who that could be. #vangundysrule
— Bill Topliff (@BillTopliff) February 28, 2019
Stan Van Gundy and Jeff Van Gundy on the call is actually more entertaining than the game itself right now
— Ben Norton (@iambennorton) February 28, 2019
@ESPNNBA Jeff and Stan Van Gundy announcing their 1st NBA game together ! @NBA
— jim wigo (@jw070873) February 28, 2019
"We supposedly have Patrick Mahomes here tonight, and you're talking about Deshaun Watson?"
— Mark J. Burns (@markjburns88) February 28, 2019
- Stan Van Gundy to Jeff Van Gundy on ESPN call of @Lakers-@PelicansNBA
Ok, then...
Oh no... Jeff Van gundy AND Stan Van gundy announcing a game together? My worst nightmare
— Shane Kelly (@MaShaneGunKell) February 28, 2019
Jeff and Stan Van Gundy talking about fighting @FloydMayweather is the best. Can they please do every game together from now on and someone make this fight happen?!?! PUH-LEASE!!! @espn #nba #lakers
— La Flama Blanca (@TheFlamaBlanca) February 28, 2019
Maybe the haters just wanted to know more about the lives of the Van Gundy brothers and their plans this weekend?