Hunter Pence Went All Out with a Game of Thrones Finale Party


The Game of Thrones season five finale aired Sunday night. If you’re a person with an Internet connection and reading this post, odds are you already knew this fact. Giants outfielder Hunter Pence, another Internet fan-favorite, threw an elaborate party at “Castle Pence” along with his girlfriend, Alexis Cozombolidis — gauging by the photos teammate Justin Maxwell posted to Twitter last night.

Cozombolidis uploaded some photos of the party to social media, too, including this:

Is it too late to petition King’s Landing to appoint Pence as Warden of the North? If any baseball player was meant to rock a fur-lined cape it’s noted scooter enthusiast and all-around quirky oddball, Pence. Get the man some Valyrian Steel and send him to the wall.

Given the tone of the finale, the party appeared to end on a somber note…


Spoiler Alert …







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