'Hard Knocks' Streamed Over An Hour Late And Fans Lost Their Damn Minds

The fourth episode of Hard Knocks: Training Camp With The Oakland Raiders premiered on Monday night on HBO and all it’s streaming services. For many, the episode will be remembered as the one where Jon Gruden gave fans a catchphrase that will turn into a meme that will never get old. Knock on wood if you’re with me.
— Viral Sports (@NotScTop10plays) August 28, 2019
Then there were the people who had been waiting all day for Monday night so they could stream Hard Knocks on HBO GO and HBO NOW. 10pm Eastern came and went and Hard Knocks was nowhere to be seen. Specifically, online. Media and media partners took notice.
It'd be great if HBO would stream #HardKnocks now. Knock on wood if you're with me.
— The Ringer (@ringer) August 28, 2019
I didn't subscribe to @HBOGOhelp to watch Hard Knocks an hour late. Looks like HBO GO bye bye
— Levi Damien (@LeviDamien) August 28, 2019
When Hard Knocks still isn’t up on @HBO Go pic.twitter.com/CJ1DcbGz3o
— Morgan Moriarty (@Morgan_Moriarty) August 28, 2019
Earlier in the evening, HBO warned subscribers the show wouldn’t be available on time. Still, 11pm came and went and the nightmare continued.
Tonight's EP4 of #HardKnocks will be available on #HBONOW at 11 PM ET. Please check https://t.co/mz40nonR0V for updates.
— @HBONowHelp (@HBONowHelp) August 28, 2019
So ummm it’s 11:03pm EST @HBOGOhelp ?? #HardKnocks
— Fallon (@FallonSmithTV) August 28, 2019
The show was finally available a few minutes later, but some people had already given up waiting or decided to cancel their subscriptions. The final episode of the season will air and stream at its regular time next. The question is, will anyone be around to watch?
I thought it was called HBO Now, not HBO Wait Another Hour. I gotta work tomorrow. This a great way to lose customers. I want my #HardKnocks
— ronmayott (@ronmayott) August 28, 2019