Fox News' Segment on Crime in Seattle Didn't Go How They Had Hoped


On Tuesday evening, Fox News' The Five aired a segment on crime and drugs in Seattle. It was the kind of "interview an average person on the street" type deal. Unfortunately, no one they interviewed seemed to agree with the premise of the segment, leading to a few awkward exchanges.

Here's the clip:

So multiple people who actually live there basically telling reporter Johnny Belisario his perception of the city he's barely spent time in is wrong. It's basically a minute of a Fox News reporter getting dunked on. Regardless of where you fall on the political spectrum, that's pretty funny.

I think it's fair to say every American city has its issues but the caricature painted of places to fit a preferred narrative is usually wildly different than the actual situation.

The piece was longer, was featured on Jesse Watters Primetime and I think it was an attempt at humor but, frankly, fell way short of its intended goal.
