Doug Burgum Hurt Himself in a Pickup Basketball Game, May Not Be Able to Stand at Tonight's GOP Debate

Brandon Bell/GettyImages

Fox News will air the first GOP primary debate tonight. Donald Trump will not be there because he wants to stick it to the organization. Which presents an opportunity for North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum, who is scheduled to appear and allow many people to hear his voice for the very first time. The Gov took a break from debate prep to play some pickup basketball with his staff yesterday and his 67-year-old body did not respond well as he suffered what sounds like a significant injury, per multiple reports. Meaning he might not be able to stand at the podium as he tries to win hearts and minds.

Obviously this sucks to hear. Some things are bigger than politics and dudes getting out there and hooping at any age is something to admire. We're hoping for a speedy recovery so Burgum can crash the boards and be a coach on the floor out there as soon as possible. Yet it's entirely possible that this will help him in the polls. Ball is life and people of all persuasions respect the game.

All of the candidates are expected to participate in a walk-through for the event this afternoon. It's unclear if the tech entreprenuer will be a part of it now. We will have to wait for the injury report.
