Donald Trump Claims He Saw Someone Shoplifting a Refrigerator The Other Day

Former President Trump Speaks At The NRA Presidential Forum In Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
Former President Trump Speaks At The NRA Presidential Forum In Harrisburg, Pennsylvania / Spencer Platt/GettyImages

Donald Trump is out campaigning again, which means you know we've got more wild quote from the former president. During a speech to the NRA in Pennsylvania on Friday, Trump claimed to have seen a man shoplifting a refrigerator just the other day. I have so many questions.

Here's what Trump said:

"Can you believe?" No Donald. No, I can't. A human man could not lift and shoplift a refrigerator. It's not humanly possible. Now if you want to say someone had a mini-fridge, well, maybe. But that's not a refrigerator. Obviously Trump is going for shock factor here without considering the premise is pretty ridiculous.

In more evidence that Trump's claim that he saw that the other day might be a bit of a fib, he actually said the exact same thing last April. Oddly enough, that also came during a speech to the NRA.

Wow, two men in the United States who can lift refrigerators by themselves? That's wild. And also ridiculous. Frankly, if a man enters a story and can lift a fridge and walk out the door with it, he should be allowed to keep it. Home Depot should run this as a promotion. Lift and carry the refrigerator and it's yours.