Chris Long Responds to Criticism for Not Visiting White House with Patriots, Makes Some Valid Points
By Kyle Koster

Chris Long will not be in attendance when the New England Patriots make their visit to the White House to be honored for winning Super Bowl LI. And that’s okay, just as it’s okay for any of his teammates to attend. We’ve been over this. Each player should make their own decision and be fine with it because, in the end, it’s not that big of a deal.
Long went on a brief tweetstorm showcasing some of the criticism he’s receiving for declining, along with some solid rebuttals.
"Sorry dude. I appreciate your support of me as a football player, but I just don't get this tweet."
- — Chris Long (@JOEL9ONE) February 17, 20
"Heard it all this week…if you don't want to hear about some of the dumb shit I've heard…mute away, but it's good. Rapid fire time, yeah?"
- — Chris Long (@JOEL9ONE) February 17, 20
""Respect the office" Ok birther theory guy"
- — Chris Long (@JOEL9ONE) February 17, 20
""Stick to football" you don't look like a state senator yourself there bud."
- — Chris Long (@JOEL9ONE) February 17, 20
""I hope they cut you" I'm a free agent."
- — Chris Long (@JOEL9ONE) February 17, 20
""stop being self important. I'm no longer a fan" I'm self important but you thought this was important enough to bring to my attention, eh?"
- — Chris Long (@JOEL9ONE) February 17, 20
""You just wanna be a cool lib" Actually I'm well aware the minute I believe something they don't, libs will hit me w this GIF"
- — Chris Long (@JOEL9ONE) February 17, 20
""You just wanna be a cool lib" As a football player, liberals thought I was a living, breathing piece of steak before I agreed with them."
- — Chris Long (@JOEL9ONE) February 17, 20
""You hate the troops" The secondary focus of my foundation (out of two causes) is veteran support. Do your research. Also, not relatable."
- — Chris Long (@JOEL9ONE) February 17, 20
""You hate white people" You realize all humans that live in America should be concerned? Also that assumption says something about you."
- — Chris Long (@JOEL9ONE) February 17, 20
""Stop believing the media." Dude I just saw you retweet Fox News."
- — Chris Long (@JOEL9ONE) February 17, 20
""You should go talk to trump if you want change" I'm skipping a photo op, not a congressional hearing."
- — Chris Long (@JOEL9ONE) February 17, 20
"I think that's it but check this gem out. Bye for now!"
- — Chris Long (@JOEL9ONE) February 17, 20
"So I've listened to it all week. And it's sparse really. Most people aren't ridiculous. Thought y'all may enjoy that thread."
- — Chris Long (@JOEL9ONE) February 17, 20
The tasty dose of equal-opportunity truth telling should give both conservatives and liberals something to think about. Count me as one who finds Long’s thoughtful and even-keeled reaction very refreshing. He certainly doesn’t owe anyone an explanation for his decision, but it’s clear that he’s thought it through.
His most important realization is that, yeah, the Patriots’ visit is not a political summit but rather a photo-op. No amount of hand-wringing, moralizing or anger can change that. One could argue this is the most contentious and divisive visit ever while weighing Donald Trump’s polarizing nature and the support given by the Brady-Kraft-Belichick triumvirate. It’s still merely a glorified photo-op.