Chad Wheeler's NFL Career is Over

Chad Wheeler
Chad Wheeler / Abbie Parr/Getty Images

Chad Wheeler, an offensive lineman for the Seattle Seahawks, has been arrested on suspicion of felony domestic violence. He was arrested over the weekend and held on $400,000 bail, which he has since posted. The details of the incident that led to his arrest are disturbing and his career is over. Via the Seattle Times:

"The report said the incident began when Wheeler asked the victim to bow to him, and when she did not he grabbed her and threw her on a bed. The report said Wheeler then strangled the victim before she lost consciousness. The report also said when she regained consciousness, Wheeler was standing near the bed and said, “Wow you’re alive?”"

According to the Seattle Times, Wheeler had not been taking his medication to treat bi-polar disorder. While at USC, Wheeler had a confrontation with police that ended with him being shot with rounds of bean bags.

Emmanuel Acho tweeted about the incident, including a picture of Wheeler's girlfriend's face after the attack. It is devastating to look at.

Acho is right that the NFL must act swiftly and decisively. The league looked horrible allowing Greg Hardy to return (as the UFC should for now promoting him) after he beat and strangled a girlfriend. Wheeler does not have the ability that Hardy did, so there will be no Jerry Jones looking to make a reclamation project out of him. So even if the NFL can only suspend him for a certain amount of time, no team will ever sign him.

UPDATE: Wheeler released the following statement on Twitter: