Barry Bonds Killed Some Large Animals In Africa
By Ty Duffy
Barry Bonds is an affluent, early retiree. Per his Instagram feed, he crossed “hunting large game in Africa” off the ol’ bucket list. Since Bonds is the Miami Marlins’ hitting coach, we presume these were “latergrams.”
PETA gave the following statement on Bonds’ pictures to The Big Lead.
"It’s been only a year since Walter Palmer gunned down Cecil the lion, and here comes Barry Bonds posing with the corpses of African animals he’s killed for a thrill and Instagram posts. A stuffed head or a pair of antlers is no replacement for the trophies that Bonds hasn’t been able to win since his doping scandal."
We’re not sure how one gets an enormous taxidermied head back to the United States or whether Bonds even has the requisite leather infested study to house it.