Aldon Smith Got in an Altercation With Colin Kaepernick, Possibly Over TV/Radio Host Nessa
By Jason McIntyre

What sent Aldon Smith of the 49ers over the edge? It might have been the fact that his teammate, Colin Kaepernick, is now dating Smith’s ex-girlfriend, Nessa, a TV and radio host.
Above, you’ve got a photo of Smith in the purple suit with Nessa taken at an event in April, when they were dating.
This is where it gets confusing: In late July, Kaepernick was at Chipotle and took some photos with fans. He was apparently enjoying a meal with Nessa, because the fans took photos with both of them separately, and tagged them in photos on Instagram. Kaepernick and Nessa were not photographed together.
Fast forward a little more than a week: Smith and Kaepernick got in an “altercation” at practice according to TMZ, and then that same night he goes out and allegedly does some drinking and then gets in a car accident while parking his car. There are plenty of rumors that the car he smashed up was Kaepernick’s. Did Smith lose it because of the altercation at practice? Or was this all about a girl?
Jim Harbaugh was wise to get the last chopper out of San Francisco.