Adam Carolla Clarified His Comment on Bill Simmons Talking [Poop]

Last week, Adam Carolla said that when Bill Simmons’ ESPN contract ends, the Sports Guy would go on his podcast and talk a bunch of shit (though he didn’t expressly say that would be about ESPN, it was implied). Today, Carolla clarified that remark.
“I want to do a quick correction,” Carolla said today. “I said on Friday’s show that I had dinner with Bill Simmons and he was gonna come on and talk a bunch of shit about ESPN. Just to be clear, because I’d had a couple of drinks, he said he was gonna come on in September after his ESPN contract was up, and we’re gonna talk about a lot of shit — I don’t want people to think he’s gonna foul-mouth ESPN.”
Glad/sad that’s settled!
Related: Why Was the New York Times the Bearer of Bad News on Bill Simmons and Jason Whitlock?
[H/T Cartmaniak]