Mississippi State Fan Pranks Local News Station with a Incredible Lie about How He Got to Omaha


You can’t stop Terry Powell, his wife and his wife’s boyfriend from attending the College World Series. They’re willing to do just about anything to be together at the event.

Please, let him explain.

“The sacrifices we personally made to get here are incredible,” Terry Powell told KMTV 3 News. “My wife’s boyfriend sold his prosthetic leg on Craigslist to afford me the opportunity to be here. But they get alone time, and I get a chance to be in Omaha.”

So, I know what you’re thinking: This has to be a prank. Well, you’d be right. Apparently, the news station was in on it.

While this video made rounds on the internet, the rest of the interview surfaced on KMTV’s website:

" “I didn’t sleep maybe five minutes. It had somewhat to do with the excitement for the game, but also my roommate snores incredibly bad.” “So the banana is just part of that rally cry we’ve adopted as a fan base. My wife has a banana costume, I have a banana hammock — so I mean it’s all good. "

Terry’s wife approved of this message: